Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Enjoy These FREE "Ghosting" Sheets

"Ghosting" Sheet #1

"Ghosting" Sheet #2

The first time we visited by a "ghost" I was afraid.  Not of the ghost, of course, but I wondered who would be ringing my doorbell at 8:30PM at night?!  After I opened the door, my kids were delighted to find a bag of "goodies" along with a note introducing us to that pre-Halloween activity known as "ghosting."

"Ghosting" (also called "Booing") is a relatively new tradition which is done not only in the United States, but Great Britain.  To "ghost" someone, you need a picture of a ghost and a note (PLEASE feel free to download my "ghosting" sheets from above).  Make copies of these, depending on how many people you plan to visit; usually the number you're supposed to go to is three.

Fill three bags (they can be plain, paper bags), with candy/treats.  Then copy the letter and the ghost three times.  Include the letter and ghost with the treat bags.  When it's dark out, take your kids out to "ghost" their friends by placing the treat bag a friend's doorstep.  Ring their doorbell or knock and RUN!  "Ghosting" is anonymous, so don't let anyone see you - that's part of the fun!

If you've been ghosted, hang the attached ghost on your front door so everyone knows you've already been visited and so that you won't be ghosted again. 

Try to be mindful of peanut allergies.  One year, we "ghosted" a little girl we knew was allergic to peanuts and I had accidentally placed a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in her treat bag.  I had to quickly call her father and explain what I'd just done.  Her father was very sweet, but I try not to include peanut products - just in case. 

"Ghosting" is a very sweet tradition that kids of any age can do.  Even my teen is not too cool to do it! Good luck and enjoy "ghosting."  It's something that you can do with your kids that's lots of fun! 

Thanks for reading!


  1. This just inspired me to do this! I forgot all about this but I'm in college and this would be so fun for college kids

  2. This is such a fun way to connect with others, even if it is in secret. Thanks for the printable and for linking up at the Click and Chat link up party. -Katie @Alittlepinchofperfect

  3. This is so fun! I always loved boo-ing my neighbors back in the day.


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