Saturday, August 2, 2014

6 Amazing Uses For Seltzer

1 of about 8 bottles of seltzer Junior drinks each day!

My son is a “seltzer-a-holic.” When he was little, he began drinking plain, old, carbonated water.  Sure, he'd rather have soda, but since his dad and I don't drink soda ourselves, the Teen has adopted seltzer as his main drink. Friends and family know he loves it and, surprisingly enough, he's has actually converted some of his friends who used to drink soda to this healthier alternative. But seltzer isn't just for drinking! Here are three amazing uses for this cheap, calorie-free beverage:

  1. Remove fabric stains. Just pour club soda over the stain and gently scrub. The bubbles work wonders in getting stains out of fabric and carpet.

  2. Clean counter tops. Pour seltzer right onto stainless steel counter tops, ranges, and sinks. Wipe with a soft cloth, then rinse with warm water and wipe dry. Unflavored seltzer's acidity breaks down dirt and bacteria. Don't let the surface air dry, however, or you might get water spots. 

  3. Substitute club soda for milk or water in pancakes, waffles or scrambled eggs. The carbonation yields a lighter, airier texture.

    Use seltzer to get the salt out of your hair.

  1. Use it to clean your car's windshield. Keep a spray bottle of seltzer in your car and use it to help remove bird poop and bugs from the windshield. The carbonation means no scrubbing.

  2. Use it as a hair clarifier. After going in the ocean or pool, rinse your hair with a bottle of seltzer. Again, it's the carbonation that's the miracle worker here – it gently removes chlorine and salt.

  3. Remove rust with seltzer. Loosen rusty nuts and bolts by dowsing with club soda which bubbles rust away.
Another discard!!!

And if you think the plain stuff is too boring to drink, add a little fruit juice to it. Again, it's calorie-free and doesn't have the many chemicals that diet soda contains. Like my son, you'll become a “seltzer-a-holic” too!


Thanks for reading!

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