I'm a teacher's aide at an elementary
school and I'm constantly flabbergasted at what the kids are
learning! Sure, I've seen this stuff before, but not in a long time, and it's fun asking the kids to explain to me what they're
doing. Thus, I was thrilled when the 4th graders recently
showed me the interesting plants growing on their desks.
They were
growing bean plants from ordinary beans and the plants looked
My bean plant growing in dirt - I'm having so much fun growing it! |
So I asked them to teach me (or re-teach me since I'd
grown them when I was in school eons ago).
Bean plants are great for any kid (or
adult) to cultivate because they require very little care and sprout
so quickly you can virtually watch them grow. Here's what you'll
need to start:
Any unused beans are going into chili. |
Dried beans – I purchased a bag of
Goya beans. I separated out the lima beans (which the family
won't eat anyway) because they're big and easy to see. I saved the
rest of the beans for use in chili.
A paper towel
A small dish
Here's what you do:
1. Wet a paper towel and fold it so it
fits inside the dish.
2. Slide a bean or two between the folds of the
wet paper towel.
3. Wet the towel every day (if it dries
out, sometimes I wet it twice)
Could it BE any easier?!! |
In a day or so, you'll see the bean
start to crack and a green shoot emerging. When the shoot is an inch
long, plant it in dirt.
Future bean plants. |
Again, you'll be amazed at how fast
your plant will grow.
For an incredible stop-action clip
showing the process from bean to plant, visit
Thanks for reading!!!
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